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bawwwwwwwww general

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bawwwwwwwww general Empty bawwwwwwwww general

Post by Queen Kghyilda Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:23 am

bawwwwwwwww general Tumblr_m0k1o6PZCW1qixjkro1_500
Queen Kghyilda
Queen Kghyilda
Stallionphile Guy
Stallionphile Guy

Posts : 4986
Join date : 2012-06-14
Location : Rsza

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bawwwwwwwww general Empty Re: bawwwwwwwww general

Post by Guest Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:36 am

i have some old ones i saved to a .txt a year or so ago i'll unload

I've played RS ever since I was 10. It was THE mmo back then for pretty much half the school.
Around 3 years later after making my account, I was scammed for all my items because I was stupid enough to fall for a "donate and i'll make you rich" ploy.

>Quit RS indefinitely after being scammed
>4 years ago I logged in again out of nostalgia and find that everything has changed, but I'm still wearing leather armor that some guy gave me in pity after being scammed long ago
>feel disgusted by the notion and drop the armor

Also as a note, I grew up thinking the world is inherently selfish and unkind, so I pretty much grew up an angsty teen that hates everything.

>wandering around lumbridge, with no items but some longbow I found lying on the ground
>wander into al-kharid and near the scorpion pits
>see some level 38 training ranged there
>decide to be a jerk and take his arrows
>he doesn't react. He keeps on training.
>decide to try to talk to him

Me:Sup man.
Him:Hi there :)

>feeling a bit angered that he didn't care about me taking his arrows, I kept asking him questions
>either he has god-tier patience or just bored, but he was a total bro to me and talked to me like he knew me forever

Me: Haha I hit a 12 with irons, I'm such a no-life for training ranged
Him: No-life? Why would you think that?
Me: I spent my entire childhood around this game. I lived and breathed this game. To see how much time I wasted playing this stupid game, it sickens me.
Then he said the coolest thing that blew my mind.

Him: Wasted? I don't think of it that way.
Him: When you played this game when you were younger, you did what everyone at your age does.
Him. You had fun.
Him: Why think of your past as a waste of time, when you can think of it and remember how much fun you had?

I stood in silence in-game and out. I had my left hand on my chin, actually thinking his words over.

It was true. All of it.

I played Runescape back then because it was fun. The times I died and had to run to get my items. The times I spent mining and talking about my day to random people mining in the spots I was in. The times where I grew strong enough to kill monsters that were guarding better mining spots and the feel of being strong enough to take down demons and the like with ranged alone, those times were priceless.

Unable to type in a proper response, and unable to muster up the courage to actually break character and thank him, I give a brief "Bye dude", which he replied "Thanks for the chat :)"
Fast forward 4 years to today.

>Be level 128
>Be fairly rich, with a full set of virtus, bandos, arma, and plenty of extra cash to buy goodies whenever, whatever.
>Bank is filled with potions, quest goods, clue scroll rewards and the like
>Still keep those iron arrows I took from that dude, as a reminder that I'm not in fact, wasting my time.

His words echoed beyond other games as well. So many games in the past that were ruined by poor management or drama, I could deal with it since I remembered how much fun I had playing the game, and the entertainment experienced was worth the time+money spent alone, regardless of continuity or replay value.

If I could go back in time, I would properly friend that guy, and I would have tried to actively play with him. More than that, I would have liked more than anything to actually THANK him.

It's not everyday that you log in after a long time, only find a single bro out of the sea of retards that acted the way he did. In fact, I've never met someone like him again, in the 4 years I've played rs after logging back in.


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bawwwwwwwww general Empty Re: bawwwwwwwww general

Post by Guest Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:40 am

>decide to re-sub to EQ with one of my old friends on the Fippy Darkpaw progression server for nostalgia
>haven't played in ages, just sort of stopped after awhile
>just for kicks, log on Drinal/Maelin Starpyre again and log in my old toon
>guild only has 20 members now, last time any one of them logged on was two years ago
>Look in my mail, most recent message after all the gold-selling spam is from the guild leader
>he'd decided to abandon the guild due to low turnouts and RL drama on his end
>last sentence reads "Thanks to each and every one of you who joined me on this journey."
>flick down through the messages, all of them a farewell from a different guy i can just barely remember
It felt like I'd discovered a shipwreck I was supposed to die in. Sorry Kanaseeda, and to everyone in Warriors of Eternal Night. I didn't even say goodbye before I left, I thought I'd be back the next day.


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bawwwwwwwww general Empty Re: bawwwwwwwww general

Post by Guest Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:41 am

I had a guy in my WoW guild. Really helpful guy, the kind who'd just join you to mindlessly grind mobs at no profit to himself when you were farming a rare drop, the kind who'd always volunteer to carry your alt in instances. He'd talk crap on Vent, was always fun to have around.

Then, one day, he stopped logging in. I eventually started to wonder, so I tracked him down since I knew his real name and hometown. He'd shot himself in the head. War vet, PTSD I learned.

I contacted his family members on Facebook to give my most sincere apologies, from myself and everyone in the guild, because even though we'd never met face to face, we all considered him a friend. They told me that he didn't do much but play WoW, but he always seemed happy when he talked about his guild and his Internet bros.

I cried


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bawwwwwwwww general Empty Re: bawwwwwwwww general

Post by Guest Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:41 am

An internet buddy in an old text-based rpg gave me an item to hold for him until he got back. He never logged back in. Years passed until I heard he'd been killed in a car wreck that same weekend.

Don't worry bro, I've still got it


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bawwwwwwwww general Empty Re: bawwwwwwwww general

Post by Guest Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:42 am

>Be addicted to Runescape back when it was good
>Be somewhat of a noob
>Ask guy in town where I can get some good weapons
>He buys me a scimitar
>Gives me 1000 gold
>Teaches me to fish
>Teaches me to fight
>Gives me everything I'd ever need for the quest ahead
>Tell him I'll see him tomorrow
>Next day my computer gets broken by brother
>Finally get a new computer after 2 months
>Log back in
>Offline for 2 months


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bawwwwwwwww general Empty Re: bawwwwwwwww general

Post by Guest Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:43 am

My guild leader in Guild Wars was killed in a car crash.

I remember us all standing in the guild hall, everyone still, just shocked at what had happened as one of the officers told us all over Vent.

The Guild fell apart shortly afterwards, it just wasn't the same without him.

I stopped playing. Every time I played I'd remember him soloing the Underworld with those stupid urns and kiting enemies in circles around the Frost Gate. He handed out rare loot like it was candy, never held a grudge, always the diplomat. He personally helped me hit 50 in Pre-Ascalon, showed me how to death level.

Makes me feel bad just remembering.


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bawwwwwwwww general Empty Re: bawwwwwwwww general

Post by Guest Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:45 am

last one,

>good old days of tf2
>frequent a server where this crazy old man with a thick Australian accent would kid around with the other regulars, would make jokes and was just a fun guy, the entire server would light up when he joined. He would say we were what was keeping him young.
>the server has forums
>his daughter posted from his account something he had written for us
>It was his goodbye letter. He had been fighting cancer for the last few years, and at times was too weak to get out of bed
I can post the letter if you guys want.

It is with profound sadness that I announce the passing of Paul Emil Moxner. He lost his battle on Saturday December 10th peacefully in his sleep experiencing no pain and suffering. Paul was known to your community as Moofie.

He dictated the following sometime last week and asked me to convey his words to the forum.

Hi everyone,

I am told I will not last much longer and that I should get my affairs in order. Don't worry, the Doctor was quite nice about it. He didn't just blurt it out. There was compassion and tears. But it seriously looks as if I will be re-spawning in a different life. I think I deserve to sit out a few rounds as it's been a rough few months.

I guess I am supposed to say something profound especially to the younglings so you older (but more handsome and flatulent guys) will excuse me while I state the obvious.

Here is what I have found through my journey. Life is fun. Living rules. Arguments are silly. Your family loves you. Nagging-people care about you. Traveling is fun. Hatred is a waste. Bigotry is out of fear. Attempting to make kids is great, succeeding is greater. Forgive those who wrong you. Pride is fake. Break down big problems in to small parts. Dogma holds you back. Teenage pain is universal. Don't be hung up on a boy/girl too early in life. Your approval of yourself is the only approval you need. Better yourself each day. Study hard. You will get your heart broken. You will break hearts. Finish college.

My life is great, I have had a blast and you had a part in it. For that I thank you. you contributed to my dalliance, reminded me of my youth and taught me that time-wasted is just as important as time-pressed. Do try and waste time in different ways, don't just sit behind a machine.

So I am going to ask you for a favor; don't be sad, I really want you to remember me for the time you spent with me. My gift to you is our memories, your gift to me was reminding me of their importance. If you feel like you have to do something, go hug your mom, dad, son, daughter, brother, friend or dog (not your goldfish)... Make their day and lift your spirit. I would hate to have sadness accompany our last moments together.

The weekend after my departure, turn-on the birthday mod and celebrate my reincarnation as a caterpillar, eagle or maybe a moth but something tells me it will be hairy, apt at climbing trees and picking lice off the back of his girl friend. I guess I deserve that one.

See you in your next life.. preferably far far in to the future :-)

With love,

Moofie via Elizabeth Griffen


Paul was very proud of this community. He spoke of you often, always with a whimsical smile.


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